How Long Before I Can Return To Work?

Most Dental Implant patients return to work the next day, it really depends on your individual pain threshold and particularly the type of work you perform - if you're a phone operator, it might be several days before you return to work. If you're behind a desk and perform minimal communication with customers, you'll probably return to work the day after surgery. It all depends on you and your chosen career.

You will experience minor soreness, bleeding, and potentially swelling. Over the counter pain relievers should suffice in dulling the pain. However, your surgeon may give you two prescriptions; one antibiotic and one pain killer. You must take the antibiotic to its completion because it will help prevent the onset of an infection. And the paink killer is really up to you whether you take it or not.

What Can I Do To Expedite My Surgery Recovery?

Rest your mouth! And don't eat any types of foods that could easily get jammed into your gums.

Proper oral hygiene will greatly assist your recovery process. Keeping your teeth and gum clean will help thwart an infection, and will allow your body's natural healing process to work without interference.

If your surgeon gave you a prescription for an antibiotic, it's imperative that you take it to its completion.

How Long Will My Implant Last?

A propelry installed implant will last 25-30 years, possibly much longer.

Dental implants won't need root canals and they won't need fillings for cavities. However, their lifespan does correlate with your ability to maintain proper oral hygiene at home.

Implants do fail, but it occurs very rarely. Their longevity depends on many things, such as where they were placed in your mouth, whether they were placed in the upper or lower jaw, and whether or not the new owner is performing meticulous dental hygiene!

It's eastimated the success rate for implant surger is betwen 90% and 95% - that's a pretty high success percentage!

Will I Need To Get The Implant Replaced At Some Point?

More than likely you won't, because the implant may very well outlast your life.

However, if your bone doesn't properly anchor the implant screw into position, then you might need to get the implant screw removed altogether or replaced with a newer one. Again, proper oral hygien at home will guard against implant failure and the need for you to get it replaced or removed.